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How come so many different colors of raisins come from? You will know when you read it!


In the world of dried fruits, dates and grapes are well-deserved veterans. However, we often see that different raisins will have different tastes and colors, so where are the best raisins produced? Why do different raisins have different colors? How to choose the most suitable raisin?

Xinjiang-the best quality raisin producing area

Raisins are widely grown all over the world, but the best raisins are basically grown in the Middle East and Eastern Asia; the largest product areas are basically concentrated in Xinjiang, China, and the most famous in Xinjiang is from Turpan

The Turpan Basin is rich in light and heat resources, with long sunshine hours, high temperatures, and large temperature differences between day and night. The annual sunshine hours are more than 3,000 hours, and the solar heat radiation is 139.5 calories per square centimeter, and the city's total is as high as 9.8 trillion calories.

The sunshine time is long, the temperature difference between morning and evening is large, and there is accumulation of profitable melon and fructose. Therefore, the raisins grown in the Turpan area are of high quality in the world.

Turpan is one of China's extremely arid regions, with annual rainfall of only 16 millimeters and evaporation of up to 3,000 millimeters, which can be called China's "dry pole." However, Kanerjing melts and settles snow from the Tianshan Mountains and transports water through underground culverts. It is not affected by seasons and wind and sand, has small evaporation and stable flow, and can be irrigated all year round.

The total number of Kaner wells in Turpan area is more than 1,100, with a total length of about 5000 kilometers. The Great Wall and Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal have become three major projects in ancient China.

It is no exaggeration to say that with Tianshan Xueshui and Kanerjing, there is only the oasis of Turpan today

Millennium Craftsmanship-The Birth of Xinjiang Red Raisins

Basically, every house in Turpan has its own drying room, large or small. The drying room is a house with all holes around.

Fresh grapes are picked by hand, and hanged in the drying room in time after picking, avoiding direct sunlight and waiting for natural drying.

Because the temperature in Turpan is as high as more than 50 degrees during the day, and the air is extremely dry, it can generally be dried into raisins in three or four days.

The dried raisins beat off the broken branches, and then remove the variegated raisins through the color sorter. The final product shape is a finished product with different colors and uniform colors. The packaging can be sold after receipt.

Multi-color selection-analysis of raisin varieties

All the raisins are identical in processing technology except for the difference in variety size. Therefore, the difference between raisins is mainly in the variety. There are dozens of varieties of raisins grown in Turpan, Xinjiang. An old man with raisins in the Turpan raisin market has sold more than a dozen raisins.

However, currently we can buy the following categories through the Internet and other platforms. For different categories, the comparison of sugar content and pulp peel is the biggest factor affecting taste. You can post the following food feedback on these categories in the comments.

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