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The 8 most delicious snacks in Xinjiang, the taste is amazing, the 3 kinds of eaten are definitely foodies!


Today we are going to talk about "the 8 best snacks in Xinjiang". Snacks can be said to be something many people love to eat. Especially when I was young, I didn’t know how many times I asked my family to buy snacks. The childhood snacks that impressed us most were the white rabbit toffee, spicy strips, large rolls, etc., which can hardly be counted, because the variety of snacks is too rich. There is such a place in China. The snacks here are something that many of my friends who grew up in the mainland rarely eat, but they are unusually delicious. This place is Xinjiang, and the editor will introduce it to everyone. Here are the eight best snacks in Xinjiang. I don’t know how many you have eaten.

NO.1 yogurt

The types of dairy products in Xinjiang can be said to be satisfying. This natural ranch with a particularly good natural environment produces a lot of dairy products every year. Therefore, the taste of Xinjiang milk is very rich and pure. The yogurt in Xinjiang is different from the mainland. The yogurt here is thick and makes people feel very real, so no one in Xinjiang says to drink yogurt, but to eat yogurt. If you come to Xinjiang to eat yoghurt, I'm afraid it's dazzling, but what kind of yoghurt you choose will not disappoint you.

NO.2 beef jerky

Not all beef jerky is called Xinjiang jerky jerky. The beef jerky snacks here are all packed in a vacuum package, and some come with paper towels and toothpicks. The taste is also very bad news, gluten, tender meat, sesame cumin flavor is particularly fragrant. It is particularly enjoyable to eat a bite, all in one-time packaging, one bite per sachet, which is very convenient.

NO.3 milk bumps

Xinjiang's milk pimples can be described as very special foods, fermented with milk, and divided into wet milk pimples, dry milk pimples, sweet milk pimples, yogurt pimples, rich milk flavor, mellow taste is very delicious, is the special people of Xinjiang Favorite snacks.

NO.4 dry noodles

I believe most people have eaten dry noodles, but Xinjiang-style dry noodles are estimated to be eaten only by Xinjiang people and a small number of people from other provinces. The large cumin with crispy noodles is very delicious, and Xinjiang's dry and crisp noodles are not only affordable, but also large.

NO.5 Marshmallow

Mentioning maramel may mean that most of them have never heard of it, but when it comes to its other name, I believe most netizens are familiar with it, that is "cutting cake". The reputation in the Mainland is a bit bad, because its price is prohibitive. In fact, its authentic name is "Maran Sugar". It is a traditional snack in Xinjiang. It has a long history and is made of rich dried fruits and sugar. It has a particularly solid appearance, rich nutrition, and a distinct taste.

NO.6 carrot juice

It sounds like the taste is not good, even a bit strange, but the carrots in Xinjiang are made of 100% pure carrot pulp, which is very natural and healthy, and the taste is thick and sweet, without the weird smell of vegetable juice.

NO.7 Xinjiang green raisins

As the representative food of Xinjiang, raisins will never disappoint. In this place full of grapes, there are more than 100 kinds of grapes. Xinjiang raisin manufacturers are everywhere. Also because of the special geological and climatic conditions here, the extraordinary quality of Xinjiang raisins is created, which is not only delicious, but also good for health, and is a very high-quality snack.

NO.8 kavas

It is a kind of homemade beer especially loved by Xinjiang people. In summer, barbecue and kavas are a perfect match. It was first introduced to Xinjiang from Russia. It is a special beer beverage that is naturally fermented from grains, water, and dough through an ancient process. It tastes thirst and cools down in summer.

The above are the eight best snacks in Xinjiang organized by everyone. If you plan to travel to Xinjiang, don't miss these eight snacks.

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