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Xinjiang Lianjie Fruit Industry Co., Ltd.

Ministry of Internal Trade:0512-57426905


Telephone of Ministry of Foreign Trade:0512-57426904


Web address:www.xjacst.com

Factory address: No.789 Jinzhou Road, Xinbian District 1, Gaochang District, Turpan City, Xinjiang

Kunshan Address: B-3, Huaping Zhiyuan, No. 111 Nansong Road, High-tech Zone, Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province

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After seeing Turpans raisins, I discovered that I might have eaten "fake grapes" before.


Turpan focuses on 1/6 of the grape production in China. The quality or quantity of raisins ranks first in the country, and most raisin manufacturers in Xinjiang are concentrated here. Turpan wants to hold a “Grape Festival” once a year as a medium for investment promotion, economic exchanges and tourism promotion.

Grapes are also the product of exchanges on the Silk Road, and Turpan has grown grapes for nearly 2000 years. Documents unearthed from Astana record that in the 5th century Turpan had set up officials who specially managed the water used to water the grape fields. In the first half of the 6th century, Gao Changguo sent envoys to offer special products such as raisins to the Southern Dynasty. Most of the unearthed burial items include grape ears, raisins, grape seeds, and branches.

Turpan is low in terrain, high in temperature, low in precipitation, and too strong in R radiation. It is very suitable for the growth of grapes; it is free of diseases and insect pests and does not require spraying of pesticides. It is a true green food. The method of making raisins is very unique. It does not require sun exposure or artificial heating and drying. Instead, it builds a drying room with four walls and a honeycomb shape. It hangs bunches of grapes in it and relies on natural hot air to dry. The valuable chlorophyll in the grape fruit keeps the raisins green and becomes a treasure in the dried fruit.

Xinjiang's grape resources are very rich, with more than 50 varieties, some suitable for fresh food, some for brewing, and some functions. Turpan has become the most concentrated grape producing area in Xinjiang. It has created a high yield record of more than 4,000 kilograms of seedless white grapes per mu.

Seedless white grapes are a specialty of Xinjiang, mainly produced in Turpan. Its fruit-shaped ellipse is crystal clear when mature, like pearls on a string, thin skin and thick meat, juicy and sweet, fresh fruit contains 24% sugar, after drying raisins, the sugar content is up to 75%, and contains protein and organic acids , Potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients are high-quality nutritional supplements. "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" has long said: "Grape is sweet, non-toxic, main muscles and bones, wet brand gas..., he is fat, resistant to hunger, endures wind and cold, eats light for a long time, and does not grow old."

If you take a "donkey" with rich local characteristics and a donkey as a traction-powered caravan, go to the Shili grape ditch, under the grape promenade, taste all kinds of precious fruits, watch the grapes to pick and dry, listen to "Turpan's grapes are ripe The beautiful song of "Anarhan's heart is broken", if he enters a "grape world", it will allow tourists to fully appreciate the unique style of Turpan, and can't bear to leave for a long time.

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